
Yama is a heavy outfit hailing from Tilburg and Utrecht. They combine stoner, doom and post-rock riffs with pounding rhythm and raw edged vocals. The band warrants atmospheric jams, but with an eye for concise song writing.

Yama released the Seaquake EP in 2011 (Mindflare Media), followed by the full-length album Ananta in 2014 (Lighttown Fidelity). In the 2010s the stage was shared with notable acts like Uncle Acid and the Deadbeats, Graveyard, St Vitus, and Orange Goblin. Perhaps you also caught one of their shows at renowned festivals like Roadburn (NL), Freak Valley (GER), Into the Void (NL), Yellowstock (BE), or Pietra Sonica (IT).

After a hiatus of 6 years, 2024 marks the return of the band. They undertook a Dutch-Belgian reunion tour (2024) and plan for a Spring tour in Germany and Belgium (May 2025).

Early 2025 will also bring the release of the split album ‘Tempus Deorum’ with L’ira del Baccano (Subsound Records).


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