Spunsugar / Pretty In Pink

Live bei Muckefukk Konzerte e.V. 10.11.23 / 19:00 Uhr

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Spunsugar aus Malmö und Pretty In Pink aus Australien geben sich die Ehre uns in Holzminden mit Indiepop und Shoegaze zu beschallen. 

Spunsuger veröffentlichen im November ihre nächste Platte "A Hole Forever" ( https://spunsugar.bandcamp.com/album/a-hole-forever ) mit einem Mix aus Shoegaze, Indiepop und Alternative Rock. In Fachkreisen werden sie bereits als beste Entdeckung des Jahres gefeiert. 

Spunsugar’s new LP "A Hole Forever" discuss dense topics and expose the realities of coming to terms with internal shame. The album tackles themes about getting older and confessing dark secrets with the mindset that life is a slow death.

Growing up farmer offsprings, bible belt kids of fundamentalists and trailer trash in small towns of Sweden. Spunsugar are based in Malmö, Sweden and consist of band members Cordelia Moreau, Elin Ramstedt and Felix Sjöström. Each member carries a separate musical background, leading to a melting pot of their distinct influences. Some of the group’s most cherished artists are Cocteau Twins, Red House Painters, Hole, Electric Youth, Ramones and Misfits.

Spunsugar dropped their critically acclaimed debut album "Drive-Through Chapel" in 2020 and an EP "Things That I Confuse" in 2021, leading to an abundance of media support from Steve Lamacq at BBC Radio 6 Music, The Independent, The Line of Best Fit, Nothing but Hope and Passion and more.

Pretty In Pink (aka Claire McCarthy) hat gerade ihre erste LP "Pillows" ( https://prettyinpinkband.bandcamp.com/album/pillows ) veröffentlicht und trägt die Song solo mit Drums, Gitarre und Gesang vor.

Pretty in Pink (PIP) is the indie-pop project of Claire McCarthy (Heart Beach) from Naarm/Melbourne (Australia). PIP plays post punk pop, often compared to Young Marble Giants, with a DIY aesthetic like Bikini Kill but less shouty. PIP’s live set is full of loops, beats and hyperreal lyrics - pure, raw, fun - Molly Nilsson vs Cat Power.

PIP’s brand new album ‘Pillows’ is out on Hidden Bay Records, Subjangle and Little Lunch Records (1 September 2023).

Austin Town Hall says this: “One has to have something pretty remarkable at hand in order to completely captivate a listener … these heavenly vocals that seem to sway back and forth through your speakers, like the wind blowing across tall plains grasses.”

View the video and read a review of ‘Star’ in White Light/White Heat here. 

Electric Dreams Media has this to say: “You need to jump on the Pretty in Pink bandwagon and you need to do it now”.

Repressed Records: "Eight songs of vulnerable, silky D-I-Y pop hits from Claire McCarthy. The home-recording project Pretty In Pink takes a Young Marble Giants-like approach to sparse and intimate tunes …”

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November 2023

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