Speacial Friend


Special Friend is a French/American indie-noise-pop duo based in Paris. Formed in 2018 by Erica Ashleson (drums, vocals) and Guillaume Siracusa (guitar, vocals), after having met at a concert in Paris. At the time, Erica was learning to play drums and Guillaume accompanied on guitar and the two friends made their first compositions within just 4 months. In 2019, they released a self-titled EP recorded in their rehearsal studio in two days, unveiling a singular sound of minimalistic indie-noise-pop, recalling the likes of Yo La Tengo, Duster, and Electrelane. A first album “Ennemi Commun” released in 2021, was positively received, allowing the band to tour and play at the prominent festivals La Route du Rock, La Cathédrale - Binic, and the Paris Pop Fest 2022 edition. The duo spent most of 2022 composing and recording their next album, “Wait until the flames come rushing in” which was released June 30th 2023 on Skep Wax (UK), Howlin’ Banana Records (FR), and Hidden Bay Records (FR). An honest, rhythmic and mesmerising brand of modern pop, still in line with their unique, spontaneous, minimalistic sound, the band has stretched further allowing more arrangements including keyboards and violin, marked by their signature: harmonising, unobtrusive vocals that blend with the rest of the instruments in a restlessly inventive, exquisitely melodic sound.


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