She Owl


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The Italian band She Owl have been enchanting audiences throughout Europe and North America for the last ten years. Over the course of several albums and an EP release, the group has developed a unique and beguiling sound that melds dream-pop and dark indie stylings with soulful, haunting vocals and cinematic arrangements.

Vocalist, pianist, and primary-songwriter Jolanda Moletta is front and centre in both the band’s recordings and live shows. Moletta’s striking three-octave range and vocal dexterity is matched by her skills as a multi-instrumentalist—she is also responsible for all the loops,percussion, and additional layers in the band’s sound. Alongside her, Demian Endian contributes inventive and enigmatic guitar lines that hint at psychedelic, no wave, and experimental influences. Endian also adds backing vocals and harmonies.

Originally formed in San Francisco, She Owl has embraced both a nomadic existence and a relentless touring schedule. Currently based in Berlin, the band has also lived and worked in Paris and their native Italy. At each stop along the way, the duo has built a close circle of collaborators that have appeared with them in concert and contributed to their records.

To date, She Owl’s tours have seen the group play almost three-hundred shows across twenty-one countries. The group has performed before all kinds and sizes of audiences in a dizzying variety of venues: some of the oldest theatres in Germany (supporting Brendan Perry in Leipzig), David Lynch’s Club Silencio in Paris (supporting Cat Power), jazz venues, underground clubs, ancient churches, remote houses in the woods, and even a wolf park.


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