
Exactly five years following the release of their second full-length “Big Fish”, Greek doom metal crew Sadhus, The Smoking Community released their third album “Illegal Sludge” via Ouga Booga and the Mighty Oug!
Recorded and mixed by Iraklis Vlachakis and mastered by Brad Boatright, “Illegal Sludge” is like a dangerous and highly intoxicating whiskey made at an illegal distillery. The doomy Sabbathian riffs merged with powerful rhythms and caveman vocals not only will inebriate listeners but will please the
palate for all things doom and sludge. In songs like "Fuckin’ Apes" and "Eye on Man" in particular, Sadhus do a stellar job of not only emulating Iommi’s defining riff style, but also injecting their own raw, caustic and sludge style into each song.
A five-piece (four musicians plus a 'rolling engineer') band from Athens, Sadhus, The Smoking Community have released two full-length albums and two split releases to date where they deliver both hooky riffs and punchy rhythms via a caustic and heavy mix of a bluesy-driven sludge sound with extreme crust-style vocals. Think of Bongzilla, Dopethrone and some other names of that weed-inspired side of the genre.

Sadhus “The Smoking Community” are:

Stavros - vocals
Thomas G. - guitars
Nikos - bass
Greg - drums
Steve - rolling engineer


Nächste Termine

Nächste Termine

Vergangene Termine



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