The Empire Strikes


Rock’n roll without compromises!

Hailing from Helsinki, Finland, The Empire Strikes is a five piece rock group, completely dedicated to ambitious songwriting and delivering energetic, sweaty live shows since 2012.
The Empire Strikes has toured all the way from the Baltics and cold Nordics to the heat of Iberia and central European metropolises. Headlining on the road or providing support in
Finland for such household names as Royal Republic, The Nomads, Phil Campbell and the Bastard Sons and The Flaming Sideburns.

The previous three albums “1983”, “High Tide” and “Charm” have all aimed to portray the tricks learned on the road. Each and every album has been recorded live in studio and boldly reimagined the band’s musical expression.
“Charm” (2019) received the most fan interest and critical acclaim to date, providing the band with vast touring opportunities in native Finland, Scandinavia, and Central and Southern Europe before the pandemic and a clear goal for the following release.
Singles “Licence to Thrill” and ”Flowers, Peace and Love and Rock ’n Roll” have prepared the way for album vol 4; ”Motell Scandinavia”. The new album follows it’s predecessor’s
path, being live, dangerous and showing a new side of the unit.

The Motell will be released in early 2024 via Ghost Highway Records. New single and video will show the way November 17th, 2023.

The Empire Strikes is eager, anxious and hungry to hit the road again in 2024 with a lineup reinforced with prima vista keyboard player and a truckload of new Scandinavian Rock’n’Roll.

The Empire Strikes is:

Tommi Tuoriniemi voc/gtr
Topi Tarkki gtr/voc
Paavo Kuukasjärvi bs/voc
Otto Haapanen dr
Ari Suhonen keyboard


Nächste Termine

Nächste Termine

Vergangene Termine



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