Ukulele Death Squad

In a world where there are at least two ukulele orchestras, this slimmer seven-piece extravaganza from the Australian badlands declare themselves to be the planets "most dangerous ukulele band."

Their name more then hints the level of menace and peril contained within. Luckily for you their largely armed with several examples of the miniature, titular instrument along with their epic vocal performance, pulsing conga led rhythms and of course their big bold brass battalion ready for combat. The death squad wield their instrument's like master marksmen, hitting their target every time using their arsenal of gypsy jazz, Rnb and folk. There is a strong sense of showmanship, theatricality and raucous energy in their live shows that has gained international recognition and critical acclaim in The Adelaide & Edinburgh Fringe, WoMAD (Adelaide), WoMAD (UK), Boomtown (UK), Dranouter Festival (Belgium) to name only a few.

They swing, they soar, they shoot from the hip. Indeed, if Quentin Tarantino ever needed a band to play during a high-body-count shoot-out in a Mexican cantina, Ukulele Death Squad should be his first and only port of call.

"It's like Tarantino met a travelling mariachi band and injected them with the punk ethos of The Saints and added flashes of folk and flamenco. World music has never sounded this funky”Scenestr Magazine.


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