Tribe Friday

Tribe Friday is a band of guitar slinging emo kids from the woods of Sweden who marry the rugged indie rock dancehall sounds of the early 2000s with Gen Z post-pandemic party vibe bliss. Upbeat songs about self deprication, identity, confusion, love and death are anchored by sarcasm, wit and charm.

The band’s debut Trying Your Luck EP came out digitally and on limited edition vinyl 7” in August 2019 and was supported by dates across Europe with rock legends Mando Diao and shows to packed houses in Philadelphia, New Jersey and New York City on their inaugural (and lightning-quick) US jaunt. The release was highly praised by tastemakers such as The World Famous KROQ, Spotify’s Indie Highlights and UK’s Radio X. 2020 kicked off with the tribe making their first visit to the US West Coast for School Night at Bardot during GRAMMY Week before a return to NYC’s legendary Mercury Lounge on the East Coast along with the release of their new single “Talk So Loud”. Tribe Friday’s sophomore EP titled Chasing Pictures followed in March and featuret four tracks that are bristling with tasty melodies, thought-provoking lyrics and frantic swings from high to low all written, produced and engineered by the band.

Despite the worldwide pandemic the band managed to play more than 50 shows in Germany and Sweden, with shows at Reeperbahn Festival, Stemweder Open Air, Melodifestivalen and many more.

Tribe friday is currently in the studio working on two LP’s worth of material set to be released during in 2023. Reaching outside their inner circle, the band has been writing together with Aaron Gillespie of emo legends Underoath, Christo Bowman of Bad Suns and Phil Gornell, producer for All Time Low and Bring Me The Horizon.

In 2023, they will be bringing their explosive and colorful show to Germany, India, the UK, the US (including SXSW in Austin) and beyond.


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