Red Wine Serenaders

Max DeBernardi & Veronica Sbergia

Well-known musicians in the international blues scene, respected in their own right individually, together, Max and Veronica, they are truly something special.

With just their voices and a few acoustic instruments, this delightful duo has assembled an extraordinary repertoire of American Roots music from Country

and Folk, to Ragtime and Swing, from Gospel to Blues and vice versa. But above all, their musical narratives are so evocative and their attention to tradition

so faithful, that your senses will be instantly captivated as you take an unforgettable journey through the musical history of the southern states

of America during the 1920s and 1930s.

The songs and stories may be steeped in the past, but their music is alive and made for modern eyes, ears, hearts, souls and minds. Their concerts are designed

Both for an attentive audience who love to learn something while having fun and and for dancers too! They are perfect for arts centers, music festival, vintage events

Dancehalls, museums and libraries, schools and universities.

MAX DE BERNARDI: Vocals, acoustic guitars

VERONICA SBERGIA: Vocals, washboard, baritone ukulele

Would you like to know more about us? Please write to us!

Otherwise check out our music, video + tour here:









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Nächste Termine

Vergangene Termine



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