The Devil Wears Prada (2006) [OmU]

Englische Originalfassung mit deutschem Untertitel

Andrea Barnes (Anne Hathaway) is what you might call a country girl – raised in a sheltered environment and very down-to-earth. To get closer to her dream job as a journalist, she decides to move to the glitzy metropolis of New York. Andrea becomes an assistant to Miranda Priestly (Meryl Streep), the editor of the fashion magazine Runway. The young woman knows that if you can stick it out with Miranda for a year, you can practically choose your future job in the world of journalism. She approaches her first day at work with corresponding commitment. But the crash landing on the ground of reality comes as quickly as it is hard. Her tyrannical new boss chases her from one harassment to the next, and her bossy colleague Emily (Emily Blunt) is not much help either. At best, she finds something like a friend in Miranda’s right-hand man Nigel (Stanley Tucci). But he probably only feels sorry for the naive girl who just doesn’t really want to fit into the fashion business. At rock bottom, Andy comes to a realisation: as she can’t change the fashion world, she has to adapt to it…

The film brings the fashion world to the big screen – a topic that is rarely the focus of comedies. Based on the novel of the same name by Lauren Weisberger, who drew on her own experiences as an assistant to Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour, the film was directed by David Frankel. The film is stylistically reminiscent of ‘Sex And The City’ and hits the nerve of the times with its look behind the glamorous but merciless scenes of the fashion industry. Meryl Streep’s brilliant performance as the ice-cold editor-in-chief in particular elevates the film beyond a typical cliché comedy. Despite its rather conventional narrative style, the film convinces with its entertaining look at the mechanisms of the fashion industry.

1 Stunde 50 Minuten


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